Life has been a bit hectic lately, so I haven't done or read as much as I would have liked to as far as art goes. I've been told to push my work further, so in the bottom sketches I started with a blue ink drawing and then pushed it further into a colour study. I still have further ideas on what to do next (in process) but interestingly enough, I seem to be pushed for time. Last week I visited the the Isle of Iona. A tiny but beautiful place. It goes without saying that I saw the Iona Abbey while there. The Abbey Cloisters had some amazing carvings, particularly the above, which I found out today were done by Scottish sculptor, Chris Hall. - http://www.chrishallsculptures.co.uk/index.htm. I was also struck with the care and beauty of the carvings/stonework on some of the tomb lids that have been placed in a building in the Abbey complex (am assuming to protect them from the elements). There are a couple in particular that I don't think I'll forget.