Finally, a subject for my summer art project. More than an ornament but perhaps arguably less than a monument as it's in ruins, I'm thinking I may just be able to squeeze St Anthony's Chapel in Edinburgh into the object category. Overlooking the Firth of Forth, it is certainly a gorgeous spot to sketch on a beautiful summer's day. I found a brief description of the Chapel at http://members.fortunecity.com/gillonj/stanthonyschapel/ as follows: "The picturesque ruin of St Anthony's Chapel stands on a flat outcrop of rock, overlooking St Margaret's Loch, on the northern side of Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh. The Chapel was originally a simple slate-capped building with a 40 foot high tower, and appears in a view of the city as early as 1544. It remains an enigma, however, for neither the date of its construction nor its purpose is known. There is a clear view of the Chapel from Leith and the Firth of Forth, and it is possible that a light was hung in the tower to guide ships so that they could acknowledge the Saint. There was almost certainly a connection between the Chapel and the Knights Hospitallers of St Anthony in Leith. St Anthony was born in 250AD and founded the first monastery in history. His relics were associated with cures for the painful skin disease, erysipelas, which was known as St Anthony's Fire. This disease was a serious problem in Edinburgh in the 15th century and a hospital was established in Leith in 1430 for its treatment. Another tradition says that the Chapel was founded for reasons connected with St Anthony's Well, a spring which rises on the slopes immediately below the Chapel."