So I think I have finally learnt to do Friday projects on Friday, though because the time I finish is usually around midnight, the projects all seem to have a dark feel about them. The first two projects were spent looking inside my wardrobe, one in pencil (above) and the other in chalk pastels. I initially killed the pastel one by using a heavy blue outline so had to redo, but there is still this slight buzzing blue around it. This Friday, yes, you guessed it, was self-portrait time in the medium I think I find the most difficult to get to grips with, charcoal. I really should have done a head and shoulders shot as by midnight, I had this tiny little bit of charcoal and white chalk trying to figure out my face. I was trying to figure out what makes me, me - what is my distinctive characteristic. What makes the essence of who I am, externally and internally? The day before we were doing portraits of each other in class, and I thought I was getting to grips with capturing people's distinctive characteristics, but when it comes to me, poof. My dad thinks it's difficult because I can't see myself objectively, which makes sense. So any comments on what you think makes me me for future reference would be greatly helpful. I was reading the other day that when Lorenzo Ghiberti was making a sample of his work in order to gain a commission for the doors of San Giovanni, he continuously asked the townspeople and even foreigners what they thought of his