Ok, so it has been forever since I last posted anything on my blog. So long in fact, that blogger have changed the way you can do things - yay for that (oh but I seem to have lost the spell check)! I've been working on the above project for the past 4 weeks. No small amount of tears have been shed, not to mention all that blood from cutting myself on wire. I dread to think what people at the gym must think on seeing all these cuts on my hands!! The main aim of the project was to convey the idea of shelter being warm, safe and surrounding via a sculpture piece that invited viewers to be active participants. I had a few fellow students who were so cosy and warm they were reluctant to get out - so that must mean success at some level :). Secondary to this was the idea of an outer protective shell protecting an inner being, inspired by Henry Moore's Helmet Head series. So the aim now is to make the outer more shell like and hopefully take photos of people around Leith using the shelter - will see how that goes. I am hoping my sculpture will be in the Leith School of Art Christmas Exhibition on Thursday 17 December (evening private view), Friday 18 December and Saturday 19 December between 10am and 4pm if you're interested.