Sunday, April 26, 2015


I have been taking a lot of photos of little birds lately. Of Robins, Grey Wagtails, Blue Tits and a few others I have yet to identify. I am always amazed that such little fragile beautiful creatures can be born/hatched, learn to fly, survive and flourish. The Robin I have seen a lot on one of my many walks probably will not be alive next year and it will be another Robin I see. The surprise and joy I felt at seeing a little Blue Tit build it's nest in a car park light pole. How is it even able to put it together in this small space? Watching a grey wagtail bob up and down on the loch's shore. What a miracle that it can even concentrate on finding something to eat with all that tail movement going on. I think fragility is going to be a focus in my art this year. I got an email about my fees the other day and to be honest, even though I knew it was coming, I'm really thinking at this stage I can't afford to go back to uni and I am not sure that I'm ready to get a studio yet. On a happy note, here are a few photos of the little birds I've seen.

K Fisher (2015) Robin St Margaret's Loch

K Fisher (2015) Grey Wagtail St Margaret's Loch

K Fisher (2015) Blue Tit Lochside Avenue