Monday, November 19, 2012


I don't seem to have achieved an awful lot in the past few weeks. Flitting between ideas of 3D modelling (which when I see the intro scene on Game of Thrones it makes me want to give up there and then! see youtube, print, drawing, taking photographs and short film of birds flying, I seem to have investigated to a goodly extent but actual output has been quite limited. We had a very short collagraph printing session last week, so I terrorised my A2 enviroboard with as many images I could in a crazy expression of the things I had found to date. I would have liked to have made it even crazier, but probably a good thing I didn't, as my tutor thought it was a bit overkill as it was (although today he saw the printed version and liked it much better I think!). Anyway, here is a copy of my whole sepia print, together with part of my brown/blue-black print. I have promised myself that over the next 4 weeks I am committed to painting and painting alone, together with writing my art essay which I must get to now and do some reading. Promises, promises I know! It always reminds me of the clock in Beauty and the Beast who when advising the Beast how to woo Belle, he says something along the lines of, "Flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep..."