Portrait of my niece as baby with ink, graphite pencil and white chalk (based on Kathleen's photo - see Tiny Purple Fish June). The likeness isn't really there, however, after watching Star Portraits with Rolf Harris I think from now on I need to do a number of sketches to get the face likeness first and then get serious. I don't think getting serious up front works, particularly with ink as once ink is on paper, the damage is done! (Except white chalk does help to cover it up).
This is fantastic Kirralee, I really like the style and you've captured her likeness really well. Good to see you posting stuff again - its been a while! Thanks for your comment on my costume sketch - I still didn't win the weekly prize, which is a downright slur on the quality of those undies!
I agree. I think this is excellent. You've really caught her eyes and mouth, and the finger on the cheek is very sensitively rendered. I might give you more of my photos to "rip-off" if this is the result.
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