I was inspired to draw fruit (in graphite pencil) the other night by a scene in the film Across the Universe. In the scene, one of the main characters pins rows of strawberries to a canvas and the juice from each strawberry flows down the canvas like blood. It was a very romantic and passionate scene, and whilst I was tempted to do this at home, I was stopped by the thought that strawberries pinned to a canvas may perhaps not be so romantic after a sitting there a week or two. Anyway, I may try it yet. Just need to get into a fit of passionate frustration first...
On the other hand, there's a certain sensuality about this piece, don't you think?
mmm, yes. not intentional mind you, but i agree.
I love the composition ... it's unconventional, which makes it's dynamic.
But I don't think composition is on Kerriann's mind!
Those bananas look good enough to eat.Excellent drawing.
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