Today I did my usual Saturday afternoon in Edinburgh and went out hunting for an art gallery and something to sketch. I went to The Queen's Gallery to see the Art of Italy Renaissance exhibition and fell into the hands of Titian (or attributed to Titian) via the Boy with a Pipe (on the right). The work swallowed my heart whole. The work is so beautiful, the Boy is so beautiful and thoughtful, it amazes me. After the gallery, I traipsed down Calton Road and chanced upon this monument (on the left). Its only a quick sketch, as I'm trying to change my focus to expressing my impression of what I see not what's exactly there. Also trying to learn to cope with all the distractions of sketching in a live area, with people walking by having serious conversations about what to tell their boyfriend about stuff, crazy hyperactive people running and laughing, people taking photos and looking over my shoulders.
Awww, this is a touching post. Maybe you can get a print of the painting you liked?
I've been reading a McCall Smith book set in Edinburgh, which is where he lives. He keeps mentioning all these street names/locations & I've no idea what he's on about. And he says Edinburgh is the most hypocritical city on earth...hmmm, so is that why he lives there? :P
Fortunately, I bought a little book of Italian Drawings and Paintings before I went into the exhibition so I have a copy of the painting :). Hey, if you want to know where those street names are, come visit and I'll be more than happy to show you around!
You are a Poet.There's still time to find the boy, sometimes they are found in Men.
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