Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mono prints

Back to class this week. Had a great time with mono prints - rolling ink onto aluminium plates, and tracing onto paper with pastels, pencils and charcoal and then pulling off the paper to see what lay underneath. Sometimes disappointment due to too much ink or not enough, othertimes pleasant surprise at what was revealed. I found myself at one time, for the first time perhaps, lost in the enjoyment of tracing the face of the model and not worrying about the end outcome. This print was done using pastels to trace and I had some comments that it looked like Spring, which was cool.


Horse Feathers Saddlery said...

So cool!! Really love it. You should get it framed.

justin said...

This is amazing!! I love it - you should definitely get this framed. It has so much life in it. Awesome.