Thursday, May 21, 2009


I've been getting back into the swing of art classes since coming back. Had a great time a couple of weeks back working with oil bar and pencil . The picture on the left is a bit awry but I was told that was part of its charm. As far as exhibitions go, I recently went to the Joseph Turner exhibition at the National Gallery of Scotland. Joseph Turner loved Italy and by the look of his work he loved the Italian sun! What I liked most about his work is how the light is pre-eminent, so much so, that one of his Venetian paintings is so bright that the buildings are barely visible. The painting on the right here is Venice: Shipping Moored off the Riva delgi Schiavoni, which I like because of the strong light/dark contrast. Another exhibition I went to recently was David Martin at the The Open Eye Gallery in Edinburgh, which was based on his travels in Ethiopia. His work was so vivid, rich with texture and I think done with great skill and energy. I was insanely jealous because he is only a few years older than me!

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