Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Duck musings

Howdy. I've been thinking how strange it is that 6 years ago I woke up on the other side of the world in Perth and wanted to draw ducks. Yes, a Middle Market Advisory Manager who hadn't seen a duck in about 10 years wanted to draw ducks. I think my friend Ads, though very kind and lovely that she is, thought I was a bit crazy as I dragged her to all the book stores that lunch time to try to find a book on ducks. She was actually very supportive - Ads being Ads - and the book found was Waterbirds of South-West Wetlands by Carolyn Thomson-Dans and Stuart Halse and cost me a grand total of $6.50. Quite inspired I went home and tried to copy the photo of the Australian Shelduck with pastels and posted it on my blog. I realised Sunday as I sat drawing a female mallard and her ducklings at St Margaret's Loch that I was drawing ducks for a book of my own making. So because I am obviously such a big well-known artist (ha ha :p) I thought I'd do a retrospective of my Shelduck 6 years ago compared to my sketch of the Mallard and her ducklings today. I am also quite interested in the birds of Australia having similar names to that of the UK but looking just slightly different. Here is a photo of a Mallard in Australia from the Thomson-Dans and Halse book. PS Hope you hare having a good day. It was quite exciting to get thunder and rain this morning after 2 weeks of sun! Though happy sun is back this afternoon :-). Oh and please scroll down my blog on the right and check out the link to the Hidden Door blog - it's cool stuff. Get involved while you can! 

K Fisher, Female Mallard and Ducklings (2013)

K Fisher, Australian Shelduck (2007)

Mallard in Australia, Waterbirds of South-West Wetlands

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