Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lochrin Basin - nearly there

Occasionally, there are some pretty rubbish days where my world falls apart and nothing makes sense. The past couple of days have been like that - I found out a funding application to pay for my tuition fees for my honours year was unsuccessful and I wondered why I had even bothered to start studying art in the first place. But today was so, can I emphasise "so", so much better. Today, a proposal that I had put forward and had been accepted for a wall piece on new student accommodation in Lochrin Basin in Tollcross finally began to come to fruition. The piece, as well as being a pun on words, is very much a nod to the men and women who once worked and lived on the canal boats and helped each other to survive. It's a bit of a romantic notion, but I think they helped save each other. It's also a nod to those students who will be living in the student accommodation, starting or continuing their own romantic notions of relationships and career. 

I am not going to say much more, except that it was a lot of fun going to the construction site today and watching the tiler, Gareth, and Lance, who was assisting him, line up and glue the tiles to the wall. They made it look easy business, but from the little experience I had last semester in making my own tile model out of mosaics, I can assure you it's not. Well, not for me anyway. Here is a bit of footage from the tiling today and a couple of photos of the design proposals I put forth all those months ago. And yes, having the design on tiles was my idea.

K Fisher (2013) Lochrin Basin Proposal 1

K Fisher (2013) Lochrin Basin Proposal 2

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