Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rest on the Flight to Egypt

I volunteered as a steward at the Shadows of the Divine exhibition in 2011, in Martin Hall, New College. The exhibition initiated a 3 year project that focused on Peacebuilding Through Media Arts. Due to the exhibition I got to know about the Methodist Modern Art Collection of which I am now a Friend (http://www.methodist.org.uk/static/artcollection/index.htm).This copy of a painting by Nicholas Mynheer was in a recent newsletter they sent me. Something about it spoke to me. Probably the uncertainty about my future right now - especially over the next few months. I like that Joseph and Mary look to be enjoying the chance to play with little Jesus while the donkey gets a chance to recover under the shade. All around is desert, but they are sheltered in an oasis for the moment. And Jesus is with them. And that is what I am trying to focus on this Easter week. 

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