Sunday, April 13, 2014

The roof

So I was a little bit obsessed with the roof for a while. I gather I was inspired by Rapunzel in her tower and my studio being in "the tower" I figured we had something in common. Alas, no horse-riding Prince to ask me to let down my golden hair - which is probably just as well considering it's brown and I don't think my neck muscles are strong enough to hold up a Prince - but you get the gist. I do like the old school chimneys in Edinburgh, coupled with the antennae and satellite dishes. It's a nice kind of juxtaposition.You don't get that kind of thing in Australia - not that I've seen anyway. I had this idea of using carbon paper to duplicate printing techniques. I masking taped the carbon paper on one side of the card and drew with pen on the other. Hey presto - two images for the time of one! It didn't work so well and time was a bit short but that's okay. I think I also discovered about myself during this time that I don't actually want to make "artist" books, I just want to make the regular day to day ones. Fortunately for me, one of the technicians at College recently showed me how to perfect bind a book with perfect binding glue, so this may be the way forward as I don't think my stitching is that great either! :) I don't have a good photo of the book I made using perfect binding - but let's just say it was so good that someone said they didn't think I'd made it! But here is my carbon paper roof book for your perusal. PS I should say that today is my 6 year anniversary in Edinburgh. Someone needs to know so I think it should be you! :D

K Fisher (2013) Roof book (Card, carbon paper & pen)

K Fisher (2013) Roof book (Card, carbon paper & pen)

K Fisher (2013) Roof book (Card, carbon paper & pen)

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